- 6 eggs
- 200 gram Yeo's Green Peas
- 1 large onion (diced)
- 1 red chili (diced)
- 5 button mushrooms (diced)
- a dash of pepper
- a few kadok leaves
- salt
- tomatoes
- cucumbers
- Mix onion, red chili and button mushrooms as well as a dash pepper. Stir fry with a little oil until softened. Add Yeo's Green Peas and salt. Remove and toss.
- Make 6 omelets out of 6 eggs.
- Fill with kadok leaves and Yeo's Green Peas.
- Roll with pea-filled omelets nearly like kuih ketayap.
- Garnish with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers.
Telur Gulung Kacang Peas
- 6 biji telur
- 200 gram Kacang Hijau Yeo's
- 1 labu bawang besar (potong dadu)
- 1 tangkai cili merah (dipotong dadu)
- 5 biji cendawan butang (dipotong dadu)
- sedikit lada sulah
- beberapa helai daun kadok
- garam
- tomato
- timun
- Campurkan bawang, cili merah dan cendawan butang serta sedikit lada sulah. Kacau rata dengan sedikit minyak sehingga lembut. Tambahkan Kacang Hijau Yeo's dan garam. angkat dan toskan.
- Dadar telur sebiji demi sebiji.
- Masukkan daun kadok dan Kacang Hijau Yeo's.
- Gulung telur berinti kacang peas seperti kuih ketayap.
- Hias dengan hirisan tomato dan timun.
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